Flowrite Plumbing
Water Heaters

Water Heater Services in Citrus Heights

Did you know that most homes equipped with conventional, tank style water heaters are missing out on the energy and money-saving benefits of their tankless alternatives? While many households may not need this modern upgrade, many more could easily save thousands in lifetime device operating costs!

Keep things the same or upgrade…the choice is yours
Regardless if you intend to keep your original water heater or are considering replacing it with a high-efficiency tankless model, it is important to not forego preventative maintenance and repairs. Here at Flowrite Plumbing, we are committed to offering our customers nothing but the best with respect to equipment and service.

Our professional technicians are happy to answer any and all questions you might have regarding your water heater, and will gladly offer device upgrade recommendations per your request. At this point, you may be wondering what the differences are between tank and tankless water heaters, and which household circumstances each is ideally suited for.

Is it in my best interest to upgrade to a tankless water heater?
Since the key difference between tank and tankless models is the absence of a storage container, home and business owners never need to worry about running out of hot water when using the latter. Tankless types essentially provide hot water on demand, as they are hooked directly to a connected heating element. Whereas conventional water heaters collect and heat water in various-sized tanks, limited capacity is a non-issue with the alternative.

Depending on one’s household size and daily hot water demands, the need to upgrade to tankless might not be as pertinent. As a general rule of thumb, families with four or more people are more inclined to opt for a tankless upgrade. In terms of longevity, these water heaters typically last twice as long, too. Tank-equipped models usually require major repairs and/or replacement around the ten-year mark, but also have a notably cheaper initial cost.

Need quality Citrus Heights water heater service? Call Flowrite Today!
Due to the multiple factors involved in choosing a new water heater, Flowrite Plumbing in Citrus Heights advises all interested residents to consult with one of our licensed plumbers first. They have the knowledge and experience to help you make the best decision for your needs. Remember, our main concern is making sure you are getting the best bang for your buck, no matter what!

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